Wyong Athletic Centre

The committee, parents and athletes of the Wyong Athletics Centre would like to welcome you to our family club, with a sense of fun & laughter for all ages

Wyong Athletic Centre is one of a number of centres affiliated with the Little Athletics Association of NSW (LAANSW) and Athletics NSW (ANSW). Wyong Athletic Centre, which started as Wyong Little Athletic Centre, first offered competition in the summer of 1978/79. In 1980, the name was changed to Wyong Athletics Centre as the first senior athletes registered with NSW AAA became a part of the centre. Wyong Athletics Centre was the first joint junior and senior athletics club in NSW. We have and continue to be prominent in NSW championship events and are supported by many kids and young persons who represent the club in zone, regional, state and national championships.

But this is all just the competition side, we enjoy the fact that our participants are actually having fun doing so. We make sure that our athletes are not just being competitive but are enjoying the spirit of the centre. That is that they have fun while improving their fitness and making new friends.

We train our athletes at the field located in Warnervale. The field is called Warnervale Athletic Field officially however we just call it Warnervale Oval.

Training takes place at Warnervale Oval regularly so that we can improve our athletes fitness.

Amateur sports team